There are stories everywhere. Discover those that inspire you.
There are stories everywhere. Discover those that inspire you.

YouInVerse Wins an Award for Digital Creativity and Innovation in India

Before starting YouInVerse, I had all sorts of thoughtsShould I really start a blog? Will people even read it? Why would someone read my blog? Will I make a difference to even one person’s life when I write? Will I really inspire someone with what I write?

The world was locked inside their homes when I started YouInVerse in August 2020. It was probably the best time to reach out to people digitally. It has just been over a year and YouInVerse has won an award for digital creativity and innovation in India. This makes me believe more that when we put our heart and mind into what we love doing, it grows bigger and better.

The Bluehost WordPress Creators Award 2021 was awarded to YouInVerse by Bluehost India and WordPress and was closely monitored by experts from these giants. I’m grateful that my creation (my blog) has been recognised and would thank my sister and a dear friend for their push to finally launch YouInVerse. My heartfelt gratitude to all my readers! The award included a cash prize, a beautiful certificate of appreciation, and a cool gift hamper from Bluehost.

YouInVerse means ‘you are in rhyme with your spirit’. Being a humanitarian and development sector professional, I try to merge stories of development with creative writing and poetry and attempt to make a point that — “There are stories everywhere. Discover those that inspire you.”

I believe that we have a tendency to understand complex things better when they are creatively and artistically presented. Creative writing and a work of art have the capacity to spark social change. In the words of John F Kennedy — “If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.”

My aim is to collect stories of people from around the world based on a social development theme — more specifically pertaining to the “world of work”. We all work differently, in different professions and we all have our own struggles and stories. While someone wakes up to work at four in the morning, many sleep at twelve at night. However, every work is important and every work has a person behind it and every person has a story.

I aim to expand YouInVerse to all hidden parts of this beautiful world and let people choose which story they want to get inspired with.

Until next time, happy reading 🙂

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