An Unusual Friendship With Pinky

An Unusual Friendship With Pinky

Some friendships last a lifetime while some just remain in our mind and heart forever. Read this piece about an unusual friendship and rejoice in the ups and downs of friendship. This story is about a friendship that is unforeseen, both in its beginning and its end. But the days between the two became memorable…

Stealing Mangoes Amid the Lockdown

Stealing Mangoes Amid the Lockdown

While some of us sit inside our lovely homes and enjoy comfortably within the four walls with our families, there are some people for whom enjoyment can mean stealing mangoes from someone else’s mango tree and run happily on deserted roads. Read this piece to understand how happiness can be reflected in the little things…

The Old Man Under the Tree

The Old Man Under the Tree

So many unknown people and faces around us. Each living their own share of life. Some stay forever with us, some just for a short while, and yet we meet some people only for a few minutes out of our entire life. Take a quick read below, maybe you too recollect someone you met someday….