Travelling Tale of The Girl Who Became A Woman

Travelling Tale of The Girl Who Became A Woman

This is going to be personal, or rather I should say a “collectively personal” story. Read the blog and find out why. In this blog, I will share some reflections on being a female traveller. I’m sure that my reflections are relatable to other female travellers, especially the solo explorers who find their travelling journeys…

Life is Bigger Than the Scars on My Face: 3 Reflections From My Travel Journeys
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Life is Bigger Than the Scars on My Face: 3 Reflections From My Travel Journeys

In this new blog, I have carved words on how journeying through places taught me that life is bigger than the scars on my face and made me realise that I’m beautiful too. The most uncomfortable situation in life could be not being comfortable in our own skin. I was happy with my skin until…

Do We Need A Pride Month To Be Proud?
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Do We Need A Pride Month To Be Proud?

Do you love the rainbow? Let us bow to the rain of love. I still remember — a white saree, dark maroon lipstick, and a beautifully-tied hair bun. I remember something more than this — a deep voice, a clean-shaven face, and a strong muscular physique. Around twenty years ago, when I was in primary…

My Stained Skirt
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My Stained Skirt

It’s not just women who bleed, but trans men, genderqueer and non-binary people bleed too. Menstruation is completely natural and normal, and it’s no shame to bleed. When you sweat, it’s visible on the clothes you wear. So why be surprised if by chance a period blood stain reflects on a menstruating person’s skirt, jeans,…