My Stained Skirt
It’s not just women who bleed, but trans men, genderqueer and non-binary people bleed too. Menstruation is completely natural and normal, and it’s no shame to bleed. When you sweat, it’s visible on the clothes you wear. So why be surprised if by chance a period blood stain reflects on a menstruating person’s skirt, jeans, pants, shorts, suits, saree, and anything they would want to wear?
Let us bleed and breathe peacefully!


Please take a minute to check the UN Women’s digital library resource, Infographic: End the stigma. Period.
Ending the period stigma can lead to improved physical and mental well-being.
I believe we all can be more kind towards one-another and let each-other live peacefully, free from shame, insecurities and fear.
Thank you for reading!