There are stories everywhere. Discover those that inspire you.
There are stories everywhere. Discover those that inspire you.

There are stories everywhere. Discover those that inspire you.

Sustainable Travel & Culture | Storytelling | Well-being

Exploring local stories of sustainable travel and culture — from India and the world

Deeksha Sharma
Founder, YouInVerse

Hello / Namaste !

Thank you for taking notice of my blog and stopping by! From whichever part of the world you belong, my warm and loving greetings to you! It’s time to explore local stories of sustainable travel and culture.

I’m an international development professional, trying to merge stories of sustainable travel, culture, social change and well-being. Having a multicultural, and global experience in advocacy, community engagement, and research in both India and the United Kingdom, I’m now passionate about bringing out stories of travel, culture and sustainability.

The more I travel the world, the more I realise how similar we are despite our differences. Strongly believing that the world does not live in maps and books, I want to go out in the open and explore more stories, diverse communities and a sense of self, and use travelling more meaningfully as a force for good. I love sharing stories that evoke a sense of connection to people, places, communities and the larger world.

Being a big fan of reading and writing poems, I believe that life is like a verse of a poem. It keeps flowing naturally – sometimes it rhymes and tunes while at other times, it doesn’t. YouInVerse was created with the thought that – YOU are IN sync with the VERSE of your life. And what keeps us in sync and moving forward are the stories that fill us with passion, courage, inspiration and simply with the spark to live our life.

I encourage you to join the conversation and share your travel experiences and stories with us. Feel free to explore, learn, and engage. Your presence here makes our community even more vibrant.

I always say that human experiences are not searched for. They’re found everywhere. I’m ready to sync with the rhyme of my spirit. Are you ready to be in tune with YouInVerse?

About Youinverse

Your words are stories, your silence is a story too.

Stories matter. There are countless stories around us and the ones that really make a difference have people and communities placed in their hearts. We believe there is joy in listening to and reading extraordinary stories of people we find to be ordinary. 

YouInVerse is an online community that celebrates stories of travel and culture from India and around the world. I strongly believe that there are stories everywhere and we should keep discovering the ones that inspire us to be better humans.

By infusing creativity, evocative language, and a sense of wonder, YouInVerse responsibly and mindfully shares stories that matter.

Travelling to different places has the potential to deconstruct our beliefs, thoughts, assumptions and shape new and raw perspectives and perceptions about different people and their culture. Travel experiences with and within the local communities help us to absorb some meaningful knowledge about the way these communities live. And so, there is always some beauty in discovering our shared humanity, especially through stories.

So What’s The Goal?
  • To capture travel stories (we find to be ordinary) that extraordinarily inspire us
  • To bring out stories of travel and sustainability from India
  • To create more peaceful, mindful and sustainable communities through the medium of travel
What’s In The Name?

YouInVerse simply means ‘you are in verse or in rhythm with your spirit’. YouInVerse explores the relationship between the individual self and the larger universe or the world around us, and the stories that bind us together.

YouInVerse was created out of a desire to take a journey within ourselves, our cultures and diverse communities, and highlight stories that constantly remind us that we are very much alike, despite our differences.

Speaking up and sharing our experiences is an easy, effective and personally reflective way to create change, start conversations and connect with the people around us.

Stories from India
Stories from India are melodies that will resonate through every moment of your life. A journey in India isn’t just a physical exploration, but an emotional odyssey through history, spirituality, culture and the tapestry of human existence. 

YouInVerse aims to create a community that captures the essence of India’s diverse stories, landscapes, cultural treasures, and spiritual depth, ultimately inspiring people to embark on their journeys across this captivating country. These stories can have a positive impact on inbound as well as domestic tourism in the country.

Strongly believing in the idea of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or the world is one family, a larger goal is to create a global community that shares it local stories of travel, culture, and sustainable ways of living.

We never know which story may inspire someone to live their best life, but we do know that sharing stories has the potential to break cultural barriers and build a more peaceful and compassionate world. 

Why local stories matter?

YouInVerse strongly believes that local stories need local voices.

Why? Read below —

  • Cultural Authenticity: Local voices understand the nuances, cultural references, and subtleties of a community that an outsider might miss. This authenticity ensures that the story accurately represents the culture, values, and traditions of the local area.
  • Accurate Representation: Local storytellers are more likely to accurately represent the diversity of the local population. They can capture the perspectives and experiences of different groups within the community, avoiding stereotypes and providing a more balanced portrayal.
  • Depth of Insight: Local voices have first-hand knowledge of the challenges, triumphs, and unique aspects of their community. This insight allows for a deeper exploration of local issues and themes, providing a richer and more nuanced storytelling experience.
  • Inspiration for Change: Local stories often highlight local issues and challenges. When told by those who intimately understand these issues, these stories can inspire positive change, activism, and community development.

Though it’s always nice and refreshing to have non-natives share their experiences about a country, it is imperative that people with inherent local knowledge share stories about their own culture and places. There are a handful of local writers and storytellers in India that share a glimpse of India with the world and YouInVerse wants to change this.

We want to diversify the authentic voices from India (initially, and around the world too) and share local narratives and stories that highlight the real India — an India that is welcoming and which contributes to the improvement of inbound tourism in the country. 


There is so much to learn from our journeys, therefore, I believe that travelling even to the next door small tea shop can teach us some beautiful lessons for life. 

When we travel, we meet new people, get to interact with different communities, learn about diverse local customs, traditions and, cultures. These experiences can help one understand that no culture is superior to another and that all cultures should be equally respected and cherished.

YouInVerse is particularly interested in capturing locally-rooted community stories intertwined with travel, development and social change

I covered a story on sustainable, community-based tourism for GLP Films, to create more inclusive and sustainable communities. I am looking out for more such collaborations to cover stories of sustainable tourism, development, culture and social change. Also, read my article on travelling and cultural diversity, while celebrating the journeys of women who travel.

When we listen to the diverse perspectives of people and share our thoughts, or engage in storytelling, we experience new worlds, and draw closer to others, who are travelling similar paths to our own. These are the roots that build peace and help us stay grounded in the values of compassion and togetherness.

If you want me to cover a story on sustainable tourism/travel, culture, or stories from India for you, your organisation, or someone you know, please contact me at

Explore more

Throughout my journey, I have learnt and uncovered the values that guide YouInVerse’s work.

  • Travelling and exploring this world can teach us far more valuable lessons in life than books can
  • Be respectful and curious about different cultures and people; avoid assumptions
  • Listen with compassion to what people have to say
  • Sharing stories of people, cultures and ethnicities requires responsibility and honesty
  • Celebrate the stories and voices of people and communities who are not represented in the mainstream
  • Even a small local story can create a global impact
  • Live sustainably and encourage others to do so too

Want to learn more about how YouInVerse is helping to promote local and global conversations about how travel and storytelling can be more sustainable, meaningful and impactful? Here you go!


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